Ricardo González

Full-stack Web Developer

Sound and Light Event Technician

About Me

My name is Ricardo González Fábregas and I was born in Galicia (Spain), where I currently reside. My passion for programming and the world of sound and lighting for events has defined my professional career.

I started programming when I was just 8 years old, when I learned to create small programs in Scratch. Since the day my mother showed me “the kitten that goes meow”, I have not stopped exploring and participating in various projects to perfect my skills.

I specialise in the creation of Progressive Web Apps and work with languages ​​such as PHP, JavaScript and MongoDB. In addition to my passion for programming, I enjoy the technical aspect of events and I also work as a sound technician, lighting technician or technical director for concerts and theatrical shows.

I continue to contribute to the sector with creativity and dedication, seeking to improve every day in the world of technology and event production.



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